Rutherford County  
Meeting Minutes - Draft - Outline  
Board of Commissioners  
Tuesday, September 3, 2024  
6:00 PM  
289 N. Main St. Rutherfordton NC 28139 Commission  
I. Call to Order  
Chairman King called the September 3, 2024 meeting of the Rutherford County Board of  
Commissioners to order.  
5 -  
Commissioner Bryan King, Commissioner Alan Toney, Commissioner  
Michael Benfield, Commissioner Greg Lovelace and Commissioner  
David Hunt  
A. Pledge of Allegiance  
Mr. Benjamin Roach led in the Pledge of Allegiance.  
B. Agenda Approval  
Commissioner Hunt moved to approve the agenda. Commissioner Benfield  
seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was:  
5 -  
Commissioner King, Commissioner Toney, Commissioner  
Benfield, Commissioner Lovelace and Commissioner Hunt  
II. Public Comments  
Mr. David Hurley who said he spoke on behalf of the people of Rutherford County through  
the Justice, Accountability, and Transparency Initiative of Rutherford County presented  
the results of a 24-hour poll which he had taken of citizens of Rutherford County to  
collect their thoughts and feelings of the different aspects of the County. He received  
almost 200 responses, and he shared some of those. Mr. Hurley presented four (4)  
demands for action for which he expected an update at the October 7th County  
Commissioners’ meeting.  
Mr. Eric Gorney who lives in Henrietta asked that the Board begin looking at the budget  
for next year as his taxes had increased. The biggest portion of the budget is salaries so  
he asked that the number of employees be reduced in order to reduce taxes.  
III. Consent Agenda  
Commissioner Benfield moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Vice Chairman  
Toney seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was:  
5 -  
Commissioner King, Commissioner Toney, Commissioner Benfield,  
Commissioner Lovelace and Commissioner Hunt  
Minutes of August 5, 2024 County Commissioners’ Meeting  
Tax Refunds and Releases - September, 2024  
IV. Commissioners/Appointments  
Appointments to Airport Appeals Board  
The term of office for Mr. Wiley Thomas on the Airport Appeals Board is due to expire on  
September 30. This vacancy had been advertised, and applications had been accepted.  
No additional applications were received. Mr. Thomas is willing to serve an additional  
Vice Chairman Toney moved to re-appoint Mr. Thomas to the Airport Appeals  
Board to a term ending September 30, 2027. Commissioner Lovelace seconded  
the motion. The vote on the motion was:  
5 -  
Commissioner King, Commissioner Toney, Commissioner Benfield,  
Commissioner Lovelace and Commissioner Hunt  
V. Commissioner Reports  
North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Youth Voice 2024  
Mr. Benjamin Roach appeared before the Board to report on Youth Voice 2024 activities  
in which he participated during the week of August 9-10. Youth Voice 2024 which is  
sponsored by the NCACC, 4-H Youth Development and Boys and Girls Clubs of North  
Carolina was held in conjunction with the NCACC’s Annual Conference in Forsyth County.  
Fund Balance Presentation  
Mr. Doug Carter of DEC Associates, Rutherford County’s financial advisor provided a  
presentation regarding the County’s fund balance. He explained that a healthy fund  
balance is very important as it  
Provides protection from future economic changes – recession as example.  
Provides ability to potentially meet unforeseen one-time financial events.  
Provides “cash liquidity” to meet expenses that are not in sync with revenue  
Demonstrates a focus on sound financial management.  
LGC focuses on fund balance levels and peer comparisons.  
Essential to maintaining high credit rating – 30% of rating based on fund balance  
levels and can be offset to other criteria – economy as an example.  
The adoption of a fund balance policy is considered a credit and a positive by the Local  
Government Commission. It could be adopted as part of an annual budget and could be  
reviewed and confirmed annually. Most counties have a range of 45% to 55%. Mr. Carter  
stressed that fund balance should only be used for one-time purposes – capital or  
extraordinary other costs.  
Farmland Preservation Plan  
Soil and Water Conservation Director Brandon Higgins told the Board that it had been  
almost a year since the Board approved the Rutherford County Farmland Preservation  
Plan. He provided some information regarding the farms in Rutherford County.  
Only 69% have internet access  
Only 8% sell directly to consumers  
Only 17% hire farm labor  
98% are family farms  
Preserving farmland within Rutherford County is important as the number one threat to  
this is growth. The Piedmont Atlantic is the fastest growing megaregion in the United  
States. Director Higgins listed short term, near-term, and long-term timelines for  
implementation of the Farm Land Preservation Plan. Education is an important part as it  
will help farmers understand about trusts so that their farmland can be passed on to  
future generations; however, these trusts and trust planning is expensive. Issues for  
consideration are:  
Number of permanent easements  
Cost associated with farm/family planning  
VI. Old Business  
Cliffside Sanitary District Board  
County Manager Steve Garrison advised that the operation of the Cliffside Sanitary sewer  
service is to be managed by the Cliffside Sanitary District Board whose members are  
elected; however, members who have served on the board have resigned and no one has  
filed for election to the governing board. Due to deficiencies, the North Carolina Local  
Government Commission assumed control of the financial affairs of the district. The  
deficiencies have been addressed and corrected and the Commission staff has  
recommended that the Commission return financial control to the District. Since there is  
no active governing board, the County Commissioners must fill the district board  
vacancies until the next election. The Board had taken action at the August 5, 2024  
meeting to advertise vacancies on the Cliffside Sanitary District Board and request  
applications for the Board. The request for applications is listed on the County’s website,  
and individual letters with an application form attached were mailed to residents living in  
the district. No applications have been received.  
VII. New Business  
Budget Amendments - September, 2024  
Finance Director Paula Roach presented budget amendments for the Board’s  
Commissioner Benfield moved to approve the budget amendments.  
Commissioner Hunt seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was:  
5 -  
Commissioner King, Commissioner Toney, Commissioner Benfield,  
Commissioner Lovelace and Commissioner Hunt  
GOVDEAL Auction for Rutherford County Property  
Public Works and Planning Director Danny Searcy presented a resolution for the Board’s  
consideration that would authorize the electronic auction of Parcel Number 1204078, 0  
Cedar Street, Rutherfordton, NC, as described more fully in Plat recorded in Plat Book 7,  
Page 24, (“the Plat”), Rutherford County Registry and being the same and identical  
property conveyed to Rutherford County by Commissioners’ Deed recorded in Deed Book  
2076, Page 903-904 Rutherford County Registry.  
Commissioner Benfield moved to approve the resolution. Commissioner Hunt  
seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was:  
5 -  
Commissioner King, Commissioner Toney, Commissioner Benfield,  
Commissioner Lovelace and Commissioner Hunt  
Enactment No: RES 24-023  
San Pure Maintenance Contract 3-Year Renewal  
Information Technology Director Jai Doherty requested that the Board approve a  
three-year hardware maintenance contract renewal with SHI for maintenance of the 911  
San Pure storage.  
Commissioner Hunt moved to authorize the County Manager and the County  
Attorney to negotiate terms of contract with SHI and authorize the County  
Manager, Finance Director, Clerk to the Board, and other County officials to sign  
and execute all documents in support of this action. Commissioner Benfield  
seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was:  
5 -  
Commissioner King, Commissioner Toney, Commissioner Benfield,  
Commissioner Lovelace and Commissioner Hunt  
Rutherford County Community Child Protection/Child Fatality Prevention  
Team Annual Report to the Board of Commissioners  
Social Services Director Delores Hunt said the Rutherford County Community Child  
Protection Team/Child Fatality Prevention Team is required by NC GS 7B 1406(a)(2) to  
report annually to the Board of County Commissioners on the activities of the team. She  
presented a copy of the report. The composition of the Team is mandated by NC GS 7B  
1407(b)(1)-(10) and (c)(1)-(5). In addition, section (d) of 1407 states the board of county  
commissioners may appoint a maximum of five additional members to represent county  
agencies or the community at large. A list of the current membership was included in the  
report showing the organization or CCPT/CFPT position that each member represents  
and those who have been appointed by the county commissioners. Historically, the  
team has appointed members to these five positions as needed and then presented the  
list to the Board annually for approval, or to make changes as the Board may deem  
necessary. There is no term limit on the appointments. Director Hunt asked that the  
Board accept the report and approve appointments to the Team.  
Commissioner Hunt moved to accept the report and to appoint Dr. Paul Holden,  
Ms. Heather Kennedy, Ms. Anitra McKinney, Ms. Kayla Fox, and Ms. Jamie Hill to  
the Community Child Protection Team/ Community Fatality Protection Team.  
Commissioner Benfield seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was:  
5 -  
Commissioner King, Commissioner Toney, Commissioner Benfield,  
Commissioner Lovelace and Commissioner Hunt  
VIII. Information  
Tax Collector’s Report - September, 2024  
IX. Adjournment  
At 7:19 P.M. Commissioner Lovelace made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner  
Hunt seconded the motion. The vote on the motion was:  
5 -  
Commissioner King, Commissioner Toney, Commissioner Benfield,  
Commissioner Lovelace and Commissioner Hunt  